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Image processing in a sentence

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Sentence count:232Posted:2020-02-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: digital image processingimage processornatural language processingreprocessingpreprocessingfile processingprocessingdata processing
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151, An IP design of convolver for image processing was introduced in this paper.
152, Moreover, the obtained fluorescence image contrast was preatly enhanced using pseudo-colour image processing technique.
153, The technique that improves time - frequency representation using digital image processing methods is introduced.
154, Automatic Measurement System of Invar Rods Based on Image Processing.
155, Color quantization is an elementary problem in image analysis and image processing.
156, This paper presents a new way of image processing in the old foundation to break the routine way of describing the characteristic of fingerprint.
157, Membership card before image processing like die, mould has been made impossible to change.
158, By experiment proved that MATLAB possesses powerful capability to matrix operation and image processing, it is an application software that simple and easy to study and possesses multiple functions.
159, The method can overcome the defect that the oil stain could make a big error in the image processing, and can mark the region of the defect.
160, This approach to radar image processing is useful for precipitation related messages, as well as developing data on various weather-related events.
161, This paper presents a solution that integrates image processing function and motor controlling function in a DSP chip and print function via a USB interface on a computer.
161, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
162, Therefore the BP network is available. This dissertation establishes interface of image processing systems, which can directly get the results matching and space coordinate of the objects.
163, An application of the computer digital image processing in the microscope morphological analysis of optical fiber is introduced on this paper.
164, His research fields include signal detection, image processing, artificial neural networks, virtual testing, DSP applications.
165, The current researches on structure light sensor are mainly about arc light disturbance filtering and image processing.
166, The strain field ahead of a stationary crack tip with plane stress deformation in ductile metal was measured with SEM,[] by micro grid method and digital image processing.
167, The grayscale morphology in image processing technique is applied to animal fiber image.
168, A real-time television tracking system using pattern recognition and image processing techniques is described.
169, Objective To identify the Plasmodium vivax using digital image processing techniques.
170, Due to color image providing more information than monochrome image, color image processing is being paid more and more attention.
171, MFC API Image Processing Program complete source code can be directly used by the test.
172, The control section is for controlling the transfer processing section and the plurality of image processing sections.
173, This process of image processing of some geometric transformation, filtering, time-domain transform both airspace source, is a very good program, in the hope that useful to everybody!
174, In the paper, an infrared image processor based on SOPC technology is discussed, which has real- time infrared image processing and display driving function.
175, It has many protential applications in communication, speech processing, image processing, biomedicine and radar technology, and it even finds applications in financial data analysis.
176, Image interpolation is an important technique of image processing. The blur and jaggy of image details or edges are inevitable during conventional image interpolation.
177, Experimental results show the watermark is invisible and robust to common image processing operations such as JPEG compression, cropping, resizing, median value filtering and noise perturbation.
178, Some preparative knowledge, including the principal objectives of digital image processing, human vision model, luminosity and chroma, are introduced at the beginning of this lesson.
179, Arc light and splash, which have great influence on images , become key problems in image processing.
180, It consists of a magnetic scanning system, a thick slit, a fluorescent screen and a CCD image processing system.
More similar words: digital image processingimage processornatural language processingreprocessingpreprocessingfile processingprocessingdata processingprocessing lineword processingprocessing unitprocessing timeprocessing speedbatch processingprocessing plantorder processingmultiprocessingprocessing centerserial processingsignal processingparallel processingsemantic processingsequential processingexport processing zoneconcurrent processinginformation processingdistributed processingbackground processingcentral processing unitinformation processing system
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